Creating Kids Who Can

Welcome to our blog where award-winning child therapist, Frances Weston, shares advice for parents. Its aim is to help parents help their children manage and express difficult feelings and cope with life's challenges well, so they can feel happy and confident and experience positive mental health.

Children and Animals - A Match Made in Heaven!

Contact with animals has been shown to significantly improve childrens' mental health - so much...

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Helping your Child Cope With the Emotional Effects of Covid-19

Are you concerned about the effect that Covid-19 has had on your child's mental health?

Weeks of...

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How to Calm a Child Who is Having a Meltdown

Have you every tried to reason with an angry or anxious child, and then found yourself getting...

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My Top Tips For A Good Nightā€™s Sleep

Did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to depression and anxiety amongst other things?


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Is Worrying About Your Childā€™s Mental Health Making YOU Unwell?

Do you feel it's selfish to care for yourself when a child you love is struggling with big...

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The Top 3 Most Difficult Feelings for Children to Cope With

In my almost 30 years of working therapeutically with children, there are some feelings that I...

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Hi and welcome to the first post on our blog 'Creating Kids Who Can'

This blog aims to help...

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