Creating Kids Who Can

Welcome to our blog where award-winning child therapist, Frances Weston, shares advice for parents. Its aim is to help parents help their children manage and express difficult feelings and cope with life's challenges well, so they can feel happy and confident and experience positive mental health.

How To Create a Nurturing Home Environment for Your Child

Have you noticed that your surroundings can really affect the way you feel?

Our homes can be a...

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Preserving Children's Wellbeing During Separation and Divorce: Part 3

Welcome to the concluding post in our three-part series dedicated to minimising the distress...

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Preserving Children's Wellbeing During Separation and Divorce: Part 2

Welcome back to the second instalment of our three-part series focusing on minimising distress...

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Diet and Mental Health - Part 3 - Is Your Child Using Food to Avoid Difficult Feelings?

In the concluding part of this three-part series on the intricate link between food and mood from...

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A Good Night's Sleep - My Top Tips


This week I am sharing a post from the blog archive on the subject of sleep, as I know...

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Rising Mental Health Concerns in Children and Young People: Is Their Life More Stressful Now?


Welcome to Part 7 of my mini-series exploring possible causes for the sharp increase...

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The Worrying Rise Of Mental Health Problems In Children & Young People
Recently released figures in the UK show the number of children requiring treatment for serious...
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How To Protect Your Child (and yourself) During These Worrying Times

How To Protect Your Child (and yourself) During These Worrying Times

As if collectively trying to...

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Is Your Teen About to Go to Uni? How to Help Them (And You) Cope Emotionally
Is your teenager about to go to University?  If so, congratulations! Its a major milestone...
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How Parents Can Unintentionally Make Sibling Rivalry Worse

Navigating their relationships with their siblings can bring up some very big feelings for...

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Help . . . my children won't stop fighting!

Now that the summer holidays have started, I know many parents are struggling to cope with their...

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The Effects Of Diet On Mental Health

According to a recent study carried out in the UK, the diets of British teenagers are 'unhealthy...

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