How To Protect Your Child (and yourself) During These Worrying Times
Sep 30, 2022
How To Protect Your Child (and yourself) During These Worrying Times
As if collectively trying to get back on our feet after Covid, together with the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine, poliitcal instability and concerns about the Environment isn't enough to cause many people sleepless nights - not to mention anything stressful that may be going on in our own lives - this week in the UK has seen unprecedented freefall in the financial markets adding even more worries to the list of stressors for everyone.
If you are wondering how to protect your children from worrying about all this too, you are not alone. It's not always easy to shield them from overhearing adults' conversations, or the TV or radio news headlines.
In this week's video, I share some ways to support and protect your children during these worrying times, to ensure they don't get weighed down emotionally with stress and fear.
I also share some tips on ways you can take care of yourself too, to help you protect your own mental health, as well as helping you to stay strong for your child.
I hope you find it helpful.
Warmest wishes