How To Create a Nurturing Home Environment for Your Child

Jun 28, 2024
Mother soothing a child whilst reading to her

Have you noticed that your surroundings can really affect the way you feel?

Our homes can be a cosy refuge for our child, where the stresses of the day can be gently soothed, or they can be a chaotic, noisy place that can feel like it adds to their stress rather than calming it!

Of course none of us can have a calm home all the time (especially if we have kids or animals!) but today's video shares some ideas for ways to provide a soothing environment for a child who is struggling with difficult feelings.  I look at the physical environment, the emotional 'tone' of the home and the importance of a little structure and predictability for children who are going through a challenging time.

I hope you find it helpful.

Warmest wishes

Frances x

How To Create a Nurturing Home Environment for Your Child

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