Creating Kids Who Can

Welcome to our blog where award-winning child therapist, Frances Weston, shares advice for parents. Its aim is to help parents help their children manage and express difficult feelings and cope with life's challenges well, so they can feel happy and confident and experience positive mental health.

How To Create a Nurturing Home Environment for Your Child

Have you noticed that your surroundings can really affect the way you feel?

Our homes can be a...

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Back to School Anxiety


Many parents contact me asking for help with back-to-school anxiety, particularly at this...
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Rising Mental Health Concerns in Children and Young People: The Role of Genetics

Welcome to Part 6 of my mini-series exploring possible causes for the sharp increase of children...

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Rising Mental Health Concerns in Children and Young People: Your Parenting Style

Another week has flown by and we have aleady reached part 5 of my mini-series exploring...

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How To Help A Child With Back To School Anxiety
In this week's blog I am revisiting a post from this time last year, as it is very relevant now ....
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How to Help A child With Back to School Anxiety
Its very common for children to struggle to get back to school after the school holidays . . ....
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Creating a Nurturing Home Environment for Your Child

Have you noticed that your surroundings can really affect the way you feel?

Our homes can be a...

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