Childhood Anxiety: Part 4 - Ways To Help Your Child
Aug 30, 2024
Welcome to the fourth instalment of my mini-series, where I'm addressing the top ten questions parents most often ask about supporting their anxious children.
In this week’s video, I’m tackling the next two most frequently asked questions:
How do I talk to my child about their anxiety? and
How can I support my anxious child?
Discussing anxiety with your child and finding effective ways to help them can be challenging. As a parent, you naturally want to guide your child through their anxiety, but knowing how to begin can feel overwhelming, especially with so much conflicting advice online.
In this video, I’m sharing practical tips and strategies to help you talk to your child about their anxiety. I’ll offer guidance on creating a safe, supportive environment where your child feels comfortable opening up about their feelings. Additionally, I’ll provide actionable advice on how you can assist your anxious child in meaningful ways.
I firmly believe that parents have a crucial role in helping their children manage anxiety. By learning how to communicate effectively and offering the right support, you can make a profound difference in your child’s life.
To watch the video, simply click on the box below. I hope you find it useful.
Warmest wishes
Frances x
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