Helping Your Child Cope With Separation Anxiety

Jan 28, 2022
Image of anxious boy not wanting to say goodbye to his Mum

I recently received a message from a parent asking if I could address the topic of separation anxiety in one of my weekly videos.

Her 9 year old really wanted to be able to go on playdates, or go to a friends’s birthday party, without needing her Mum to stay there with her, but just couldn’t manage to do this.  This of course meant  that sleepovers were a ‘no-no’ too.

I’m always happy to answer any questions you may have, or address particular issues you or your child are struggling with in one of my weekly videos, so in today’s video I explore the subject of separation anxiety. 

I begin with a brief exploration of what it is, and then share my tips to help your child manage short visits to a friend’s house without you and gradually build up to playdates and parties, and then overnight stays. 

Separation anxiety is complex, and these are just a few tips to help you get started.  (In our online course to help anxious children, we take a much deeper dive and I take you and your child through my proven process to help treat all kinds of anxiety, including separation anxiety).

I hope you find the video helpful, and remember if there is an issue you would like me to talk about in a forthcoming video then just drop me an email or send a DM, and I will be happy to cover it.

Warmest wishes

Frances x


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