Breaking Bad News To A Child
May 13, 2021
Breaking bad news to a child is one of the hardest things we ever have to do as a parent.
Whether it's telling them that someone they love is ill, or has died, or that you and your partner are separating, or some other piece of devastating news, its so hard to know how to choose the right time, the right words and the right way to break the news.
We know that the news is going to shatter their world, and likely break their hearts, so we want to get it right. But sometimes things spiral out of control and we can't always prepare the way we would like to.
So in today's video I share some tips about ways to think about breaking bad news, so that if you ever find yourself in the position of needing to do this, you will be somewhat prepared. Also you can revisit this at any point in the future should you need to.
I hope its helpful to you.
Warmest wishes