Introducing . . .

. . .a workshop for all parents who want to ensure their child has the best possible chance of having a happy and successful life


According to Harvard Psychologist and best-selling author, Daniel Goleman, a child's Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a greater predictor of their success and happiness in life than their IQ.  

In this workshop award-winning child therapist, Frances Weston, shares advice and tools to help you  develop and strengthen your child's Emotional Intelligence, along with downloadable resources to use at home. 


Now you might be thinking, how do I know if I need this? How do I know if my child is emotionally intelligent or nor? 🤔
Here are the signs to look for


 When a child's Emotional Intelligence is low, you will notice that they: 

  • have difficulty recognising their feelings
  • find it hard to understand what causes their feelings
  • experience lots of emotional outbursts or mood changes
  • find it hard to say how they feel or give their opinions
  • show limited problem-solving skills
  • find it hard to accept advice or constructive criticism
  • find it hard to express their ideas clearly or explain their point-of-view to others
  • often seem to say the wrong thing at the wrong time
  • find it hard to pick up on other people's feelings 
  • obsess over mistakes instead of learning from them 
  • feel hopeless and pessimistic after setbacks rather than feeling optimistic that if they keep trying they will eventually succeed 
  • struggle to build and maintain good relationships with others


Low Emotional Intelligence can affect so many areas of a child's life, and can prevent them experiencing a normal, happy childhood.

It can also drastically reduce their ability to build a happy and successful adult life.

But it doesn't have to be this way! 

The good news about Emotional Intelligence is that it can be learnedand YOU really are the best person to teach your child.

If you would love your child to

be better able to understand and manage their feelings 

- confidently handle a range of social situations

- enjoy positive relationships with people around them

- make and keep good friends

- appreciate the feelings and views of others and

- make good decisions 

then developing their Emotional Intelligence is the key, and this workshop is a great place to start  


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workshop today


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Let's look at what's included . . .

The workshop is made up of three sections:

In the first section we explore what emotional intelligence actually is, by looking at a couple of definitions and unpacking them to understand what they mean in relation to children.  We also look in depth at what an emotionally intelligent child would be like.

In the second section we look at why it is so important for your child to develop their emotional intelligence. Drawing on the results of 2 noted studies on the subject, we also look at why the measurement of a child's emotional intelligence is a much more accurate predictor of their success and happiness than any standardised tests or the measurement of a child's IQ.

In the third section I share lots of fun, imaginative and practical ways that you can help your child develop and increase their emotional intelligence, focussing on 3 key indicators. 

 These indicators are the most important building blocks for high Emotional Intelligence in children.  

1. Being better able to recognise and identify their own feelings

2. Being better able to read, and empathise, with the feelings of others

3. Being more self-aware

As your child's Emotional Intelligence increases you will notice that they:


  • Are happier and more relaxed

  • Are able to talk more easily about how they feel 

  • Are able to manage their emotions, which includes handling fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and worry in an appropriate and proportional way.

  • Are more self-motivated, and can keep working toward a goal, expecting success.

  • Are better able to pay attention, and are more engaged with academic learning 

  • Are able to handle the emotions of others and build healthier relationships with family, friends and others


After completing this workshop, you will:  

Know that your child has the right skills and strategies to help them increase their Emotional Intelligence

Feel confident that you’ve done everything you can as a parent to support them with this vital learning

Develop your own Emotional Intelligence skills, which will bring a range of benefits to you

Enjoy more quality time together

Feel more confident and empowered as a parent 

Enjoy a more relaxed a peaceful home 


Here's What Parents Are Saying about This Workshop


“Excellent, brilliant, more please!"

"A really interesting workshop - content fascinating - a new perspective on children"

"Informative, stimulating and motivational”

“Frances is obviously expert, experienced and passionate about her work” 


"It was fun, informative, touching, and thought provoking” 
“Frances you are passionate about your work and it shines. Very inspirational. I'm glad I bought this workshop"   


Learning Emotional Intelligence is one of the most important and powerful ways to not only improve your child's confidence and self-esteem now, but also to guarantee them a happier and brighter future!

I really hope you will give your child the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques I'll be sharing in the workshop because I promise they will not only help them now, but for the rest of their lives.

Warmest wishes, 

Frances x 


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